Captain Fall
A goofy, gullible sea captain is hired to helm a luxury cruise ship and becomes the perfect fall guy for a smuggling operation.
Animation: Boulder Media Ltd
Director Animation: Gillian Comerford
Director: Adam Parton, Peter Merryman
Writers: Jon Iver Helgaker, Jonas Torgersen
Producer: Joel Trussell
Key Cast: Jason Ritter, Christopher Meloni, Lesley-Ann Brandt

Milo follows the adventures of a five-year-old cat who loves to use role-play to explore the wide world of jobs and vocations. Milo lives with his parents, who own a dry-cleaning shop called Scrubby’s. Inside the dry cleaners is a special and friendly mechanical robot called Suds, who cleans and stores all the customers’ clothes.
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In each episode, Milo and his best friends, Lofty & Lark, interact with Suds to try on different vocational outfits. The trio is then transported to the exciting world of the specific vocation.
The show aims to introduce pre-school children to the myriad vocations that exist, and their associated outfits, vehicles and uniforms in a fun and entertaining way, showing all children that they can aspire to be whatever they want to be.
Director: Chris Capstick
Writer: Sam Barlow
Producer: Joe Moroney

The Tiny Chef Show
Tiny Chef hosts his own tiny cooking show, and with his best friends Olly, Ruby and Henry, cooks up tasty dishes and amazing adventures. Tiny Chef finds joy in sharing his creations with his friends and puts his love into every dish he makes.
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Tiny Chef makes pancakes but loses his confidence when he breaks his special lucky pancake flipping spatula. Celebrity Guest: Kristen Bell
Directors: Rachel Larsen, Chris Tichborne
Writer: Alec Schwimmer
Producers: Rachel Larsen, Ozlem Akturk, Adam Reid, Phil Chalk, Ron Howard, Brian Grazer, Stephanie Sperber, Kristen Bell, Morgan Sackett, Nickelodeon
Key Cast: Kristen Bell, Matt Hutchinson, Odessa A’Zion, RuPaul

Supa Team 4
Four teen girls living in the neo-futuristic African city of Lusaka are recruited by a retired secret agent still committed to saving the world… even if it’s on a budget. In their journey from school girls tackling homework to undercover superheroes fending off supervillains, they’re transformed from a motley crew of friends into Supa Team 4!
Executive Producers: Anthony Silverston, Mike Buckland, Tom van Waveren, Edward Galton, Amy Keating-Rogers
Show Creator / Co-Executive Producer: Malenga Mulendema
Director: David Osborne
Liz Keynes, IP Rights Consultant (kids & family)
Jake Roberts, Senior Sound Designer and Mixer, Fitzrovia
Steve Smith, Producer and Founder, Beakus