The British Animation Awards (BAA), the only ceremony in the UK devoted to rewarding animation, has announced the five finalists for the Best Immersive Award 2020, recognising the most innovative and exciting use of immersive technology in animation. The winner will be announced on 12th March at the 13th edition of the biennial awards, which is being held at the BFI in London and hosted by comedian Miles Jupp.

Virtual reality story Glimpse, from directors Benjamin Cleary and Michael O’Connor, is a highly emotive visual feast set in the imaginative mind of a panda.

We Live in an Ocean of Air, directed by Marshmallow Laser Feast, is a multi-sensory immersive installation that illuminates the invisible – but fundamental – connection that ties the human and natural worlds.

Porton Down, directed by Callum Cooper, is an illustrated cyberdelic descent into the chequered past of a government’s human experimentation programme.

1943 Berlin Blitz, directed by David Whelan, is a breath-taking virtual reality experience that joins the crew of a Lancaster bomber on an air raid over Berlin during World War Two.

Britannia VR: Out of your Mind, directed by Kim-Leigh Pontin is set two years after the Roman invasion of Britannia and allows viewers to choose whether to immerse themselves in a world of Roman imperialism, or a psychedelic world of druid mysticism.

The panel of experts judging the entrants comprises Steve Blake, Principal Visual Media Consultant Digital Solutions, Jacobs; Jessica Driscoll, Head of Immersive Technology, Digital Catapult; Cathy Hutton, Freelance Creative Director at Pablo; Mitch Turnbull, Documentary TV, Film and XR Producer/Director and consultant, Founder of Bramble Media Ltd; and Saint Walker, Deputy Dean/Director, Escape Studios, Pearson College London.

All the finalists’ works will be available to view first-hand at the offices of Digital Catapult, the UK’s leading advanced digital technology innovation centre, at a date to be announced. This date will be published on the BAA website and via their social channels.

One of UK animation’s landmark events, The British Animation Awards (BAA) have been celebrating all that is great about the industry in the UK since their introduction in 1996. BAA are passionate about the art form and help to support, promote and credit the very best of the past couple of year’s productions. The winners receive an original artwork produced by some of the finest artists and animators working in the creative industries.


For further information: 

Valerie Taylor, Publicity Consultant 

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Tel: + 44 7889 666594

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