Best of British Animation Awards Vol.9

Bare Helen Dallat | Wallpaper Fiona Geillinger | Thursday Matthias Hoegg | Liz Grene: Displacement Song Kate Anderson | Arqitech: Into the Cosmos Darren Robbie | The Eagleman Stag Mikey Please | Spin Max Hattler | Matter Fisher David Prosser | When I was Young Kaori Onishi | Slow Derek Daniel Ojari | You May Now Dane Winn & Daniel Keeble | Remembering Formby Sue Elliott | All Consuming Love Louis Hudson | I’m Fine Thanks Eamonn O’Neill | 12 Sketches on the Impossibility of Being Still Magali Charrier | Tempo: Bike Vida Vega | Nokia: Gulp Sumo Science | Pilsner Urquell Chris Randall | Nokia: Dot Sumo Science | Speechless Daniel Greaves
Running time: approx 110 mins
